The Lagend Of Rawa Pening
The Story From Central Java
Rawa Pening is a Lake which is one of the attractions of water in Semarang district Central Java. The lake is located in the lower valley between the mountains merbabu, Telomoyo and ungaran. According to a story this lake was formed from the events that have occurred in the area. This is the story of the Legend of Rawa Pening.
Long ago, the valley between the mountains and the mountain Telomoyo Merbabu there is a village called Ngasem.
A New k-ping boys asked his mother. Mom, "I also have a father?, Who is the real father." Mom said, "Your father was a king who is currently being held in the cave slopes Telomaya. You have time to find and meet your father. Which allow to go there and take this as evidence of klintingan your father. New k-ping willingly go to Ki Hermitage Hajar Salokantara his father.
Up in the New Hermitage k-ping in the cave with respect, in front of Ki Hajar and asked, "Is it true hermitage Ki Hajar Salokantara?" Then Ki Hajar said: "Yeah, sure," I Ki Hajar Salokantara. With the prayer before Ki Hajar, new K-ping said that the average Ki Hajar were my parents, who have long been looking for me, I am the son of Endang Sawitri Ngasem village and this presumably Klintingan Ki Hajar said his legacy. Yeah right, with proof that Klintingan Ki Hajar said. But I need proof if you get what you circled my mountain Telomoyo try this, if you can, you are really my son. Apparently New k-ping can be circled and Ki Hajar admits that he was his son. Ki Hajar then ordered a new k-ping to meditate on the wooded slopes.
One day the villagers want to have a party Pathok land alms after the harvest is over. There will be a series of dance performances. To animate the people looking rollicking party animal, but the animal did not get any. Eventually they found a large dragon imprisoned immediately chopped, the meat was brought home to the party. In the party was a new incarnation of child k-ping participated in the crowd and want to enjoy a meal. With indifference and cynicism to expel him from the party with the power Why are beggars disgusting and shameful. With hurt him to leave the party. He met an elderly widow grandmother type. Invited to stop at his house. Old widow treat children as guests of honor and ready meals. At home elderly widow, kid says, grandmother, "If the sound of thunder grandmother must prepare the mortar, so congratulations." The boy's grandmother advice.
A moment later, the boy returned to the party to try to come to ask for a dish to a party organized by the villagers. Yet people still do not accept the child, the event that kicked off from where the party was. Angry hearts boy holding a contest. Inserted the stick into the ground, who are residents of the village who could pull off. None of the villagers were able to pull out that stick. Finally, the children are pulling, it emerged last spring rains hole tancapan continues to expand and flood the country, all residents Drowned, with the exception of old widows incoming mortar and be saved, all the land in a swamp, because ' water is very clear, then it is called "Vertigo Swamp" which is located in the district of Semarang, Central Java.
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